Nafie El Amrani

PhD student at the University of Bonn


I am Nafie El Amrani, a PhD student at University of Bonn under the supervision of Prof. Florian Bernard in the Learning and Optimisation for Visual Computing group. Previously, I received my Master’s degree in Computer Science (in 2023) as well as my Bachelor’s degree in Computer Science & Engineering (in 2021) at Delft University of Technology (TU Delft).

My research interests are multimodal shape analysis, computer vision and deep learning. You can contact me via email.

🔥 News

May 30, 2024 One paper was accepted to MICCAI!
Feb 28, 2024 One paper was accepted to CVPR!

📃 Selected publications

  1. A Universal and Flexible Framework for Unsupervised Statistical Shape Model Learning
    Nafie El AmraniDongliang Cao, and Florian Bernard
    In Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention (MICCAI) , Oct 2024
  2. Spectral Meets Spatial: Harmonising 3D Shape Matching and Interpolation
    Dongliang CaoMarvin EisenbergerNafie El Amrani , and 2 more authors
    In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , Jun 2024